Ender Forge Studios is a group of college students from Florida and California studying industrial design. We love the 3d world and we would love to also provide advice and help people explore the world of 3d modeling and animation.
If you or anyone you know wants to get into the 3d world as well feel free to reach out and we can explain the steps that got us where we are.
Eco Friendly Prints
Our company's goal is to limit the amount of waste that comes from major companies that use plastic for their products. That is why all of our in-house products use recycled plastic and whatever waste we have from each print goes towards rebuilding another print. That is another reason why the majority of our prints are animal-themed, and a percentage of each product goes towards The Nature Conservancy to protect our oceans.
We are working on many other things while we are in college, one of the main key focuses is our sustainable exoskeleton and wearable technology company. In order for us to do that we need to raise funding in several ways to make that happen. So we decided to take our passions and put them into a company.